Fire Breathing Cezar: Dragons of the Bayou Book 2 Page 2
If we deteriorated and went full-on crazy dragon on Earth, our dragon brethren would be obliged to put us down. For the sake of the inhabitants of the new world.
“Now that Beast has mated Sky, I feel as though we’ve been given hope, at least.” I stopped pacing and looked up at the twinkling stars. “Although, how we manage it is a whole other topic. So far we have done little but wait…”
“What we’ve been doing for the past near century hasn’t worked. The waiting. But, what are we supposed to be doing?” Blaise was absently staring into the murky water beside him. He suddenly shook his head at something just under the surface and gave a soft hiss. “Get along, little gator,” he whispered, “My teeth are much bigger than yours.”
“I’ve been researching.”
Groans went up amongst the males. Even Ovide, who’d just landed with a thud, let out a dragon sized groan. Shifting into his human form, he held out his hands, palm up. “This again?”
“We must find mates, Ovide.”
Ovide growled. “I’m out of here. Call me when it’s time to get fucked up on Armand’s brew.”
I went on, ignoring the fact that he instantly shifted back and flew away. “There are a lot of different places human males meet their females.”
Remy perked up. “Like where?”
“Bars. Parks. Churches…”
“We’re supposed to go to church to find a female?” Shaking his head, Remy blew out a rough breath. “Church? Come on, Cezar.”
“I’m just telling you what I’ve read. Do what you want with the information.”
“Where else?”
“Grocery stores, the workplace, a roommate, various community events such as fairs and festivals…” I wracked my brain for others and came up with only one. “Ah, yes, humans are now dating online as well.”
Blaise pulled a face that read all kinds of confused. “On what line?”
“Online. The internet.”
“On the computer? How do you date on a computer?”
I ran a hand through my hair. I wasn’t actually sure. I hadn’t yet figured that one out. “I’ll have to do a little more research on that.”
“I don’t like any of this. I don’t want to have to go out and do human things in the hopes I might find my mate. I have hope she will come to me. Beast’s mate showed up on his doorstep. Why can’t mine do the same?” Without waiting for a reply, Armand shifted and took off into the air. His thoughts were still clearly projected to all of us.
This. Fucking. Sucks.
Remy and Blaise sighed in unison, gave each other side glances, and both took off in flight at the same time. Their red and orange scales lit up the sky like flames as they pumped their powerful wings.
Left alone with my thoughts, I sat on the edge of the barge and dropped my head. I didn’t blame them for the attitudes. I, too, felt their desperation. It was almost as though we could all feel the eclipse approaching and our lives nearing a bitter end. It inched towards us like a slow crawling insect creeping up the backs of our necks. We had witnessed the slaughter of our species and the destruction of our kind. Somehow, a loss like that made it too easy to give up. All too easy for the desperation to turn to resignation.
I did not exactly relish the thought of hanging out at a grocery store trying to run into my mate, either, but a dragon had to do what a dragon had to do.
I shifted and took to the sky, a giant green beast. We were easily able to cloak ourselves, while in flight, from those that were not aware of our existence, which was damned near everyone on the planet.
I needed to begin my search. But first, I needed to go home and put clothes on. Humans did not like it if you walked around without clothes. In fact, they arrested you. So, clothes first, then, I’d start the search at the grocery store. I needed to buy stuff for dinner, anyway. I’d found a new recipe I wanted to try. If I did not encounter my mate at the Save and Shop, at least I would have a nice meal.
Although some of the other dragons may not have been keen on finding a mate, I was. I couldn’t wait to find mine and mount her. I couldn’t wait to have younglings running around the castle. But, I also knew that human customs surrounding mating were vastly different than our own. It had been hard work for any of us to fit into the human world. I continued to do my best to research and study their literature and culture to fit in.
On the human mating rituals and customs, I had a good idea what modern humans did and didn’t do. I was prepared to try anything and everything the books said. I would rein in my beastly nature and adhere to their customs—do what was necessary to find and procure a mate.
Unfortunately, their customs went so far against my nature at times that they felt daunting.
Cameron only worked at the library three days a week. The other two and a half days were worked by an older woman named Marilyn. Marilyn was easier to work with and probably loved the library just as much as I did. Slayer had never let her do any of the readings. I, from personal experience, knew that Marilyn could read a book aloud like nobody’s business. She gave life to characters and held even the most distracted patrons’ attention. Slayer had wasted Marilyn’s talents for years, but I wasn’t about to.
The library stayed open late on Fridays for an antiquated book club with such low attendance that it should have been shut down years ago. The only reason it was still allowed to continue under the budget was that it was made up of Slayer and her four friends. I thought about nixing it, but it was inherent in my nature to encourage reading and to share books. So, I decided that rather than scrap the program, I’d make a few changes and update the club format, try to bring in fresh blood.
Change number one, no more pretending that reading Jane Austen was a hip and trendy thing to do on a Friday night. Don’t get me wrong, I could read Jane Austen anytime, Friday nights included, but I wanted to attract a bigger crowd—women who deserved a little “me time” to unwind and let their hair down. We needed to mix it up a little. Which was why I’d given Marilyn free rein to select a book of her choice and read from it. I’d also encouraged her to put up notices around town inviting new people.
Finally allowed the freedom to prove herself, Marilyn had taken the reins and run with them. The turnout far exceeded my expectations. The meeting room was full of younger women mixed in with the few older ones and, despite Slayer doing her best to scare away the newcomers, they looked like they were having a great time. I’d brought in a few bottles of wine and juice and refreshments and the ladies seemed completely satisfied to drink cheap wine out of paper cups while Marilyn read about the intricate difficulties of forming a lasting relationship from a BDSM hook up. Okay, maybe I should have added the stipulation that I need to approve the evening’s book before I transferred the reins to Marilyn. Who knew she was such a freak?
My face was crimson with embarrassment, but it was worth it to watch Slayer’s friends squirming in their seats as Marilyn read words that they’d probably never heard spoken aloud before. Lord knew I hadn’t. And Marilyn didn’t just read…she performed. The thing was, everyone, except Slayer, seemed to be enjoying themselves. Granted, I was mighty uncomfortable with the whole topic, but I was enjoying the hell out of watching Slayer who looked as though she’d just sucked the pits out of a lemon.
At the end of the evening, when everyone had either stumbled home or had their sober partners drive them, I picked up the paper cups and returned the chairs to their proper positions. I’d assumed everyone had already gone, so when Slayer did her signature throat clearing behind me, I jumped straight up into the air about a mile.
“Oh! Sweet baby Jesus, you scared me!” I pressed my hands to my chest and shook my head. “You snuck up on me, Miss. Slair.”
“We need to discuss something, Cherry. I wasn’t keen on embarrassing you your first week on the job, but I found tonight to be incredibly inappropriate. Alcohol, smut books…I haven’t even been gone for a full week yet and already the libra
ry is showing signs of becoming a den of iniquity. I’m worried.”
I forced a smile. “Don’t be. I assure you that everything is going fine.”
“Then how do you explain this evening?”
“I don’t need to explain, Miss. Slair. We all passed a good time. It was a record turnout and all the attendees left happy. That Marilyn can really bring a story to life, can’t she?”
“Everyone certainly did not enjoy themselves. The original club members did not expect to come here and listen to…to…pornography.”
I inhaled slowly and kept my smile plastered reminding myself, that they had stayed, hadn’t they? They could have left at any time. “I’m sorry if you didn’t like the new direction that the book club is going in. I just want to get a larger group of women involved, bring in more diversity. Women of all ages. I suppose that if we can’t agree on content, maybe we can break off into two groups.”
“And have those trashy goings on taking place under the same roof?”
“You could move the meetings to your house, if you’d like.” My smile was concrete and steel. “Or, you could meet here on Saturday mornings, I suppose.”
“That is just ridiculous. I should never have left this place. I should never have retired. It won’t be long before this library falls to depravity and ruin.” She stormed away from me, her final glare a menacing one. “I’ll be speaking to the parish president about this.”
I bit back a nasty retort and turned to the circulation desk where Marilyn was conversing with a nice looking guy. When she turned and pointed him in my direction, all thoughts of Slayer fled. I took a step in his direction and gave the guy a “head librarian” smile. “How can we help you?”
Marilyn grinned at me from just behind him and waggled her brows. “Not we. You. He asked for you. I’ll just finish the cleanup here.”
I wanted to reach out and grab her arm, but the man was looking down at me with such intensity that I couldn’t. “Okay. How can I help you, then?”
He smiled a cocky half smile at me and ran his eyes up and down my body, scanning. When he got back to my face, I was sure it was bright red. He was handsome, alright, with bright blue eyes and boyish good looks. “I was hoping to talk to you for a bit. I see you’re busy, though.”
The crazy notion that he was going to ask me out on a date came over me and I found my hand in my hair, trembling a bit, as I twisted a strand around my finger. I was fighting like a gladiator against the instinct that told me to run. Stop it! New page, Cherry, new page. I would never experience my first sexual encounter if I ran every time a man showed any interest in me.
Sexual encounter? That was insane. I was acting insane. I didn’t know the man. Did I? I studied his face again. Nope. Never seen him before. Why would he want to ask me out? Although, that was how it worked in romance novels, right? I scanned his face and body again taking another assessment. Would this guy be my first lover? “Um, I can’t talk. I, um, need to help Marilyn finish cleaning.”
Marilyn cleared her throat from not too far away. “I’m going to finish up this little bit by myself. Y’all go ahead. I’ll lock up for the night.”
I hesitated. “You don’t have to do that…”
“Go!” She shot me a stern look and tied up a trash bag. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
The man smiled down at me. “I’m Taylor, by the way. I’d love to walk you home.”
Warning bells sounded in my head. “Um…I don’t know…”
“I know your sister. I’m not a creep. I promise.” He laughed lightly and shrugged. “Call Chyna.”
Marilyn pushed my shoulders, towards Taylor, and scoffed. “Of course you’re not a creep. She doesn’t need to call Chyna. She’d love it if you walked her home.”
I sighed and nodded. “O-kay.”
Taylor grinned, boyish charm oozing out of him. “Great. Let’s go.”
I grabbed my purse from behind the desk and pulled the strap over my shoulder. “I’m ready.”
As we headed out of the library and in the direction of my house, I glanced over my shoulder. The glowing lights of the library against the darkening night were pulling me back and I had a yearning to listen. I was never comfortable in the presence of men. Ever. Especially not handsome ones who smiled megawatt smiles and asked to walk me home.
I had all kinds of issues—fear of commitment, trust issues, abandonment issues. Hell, what former foster kid could escape issues? I had, however, vowed to turn a new page, which meant I had to summon up more courage. I was fortunate in that, number one, I’d had a few paper cups of wine, and number two, Taylor was too cute to be a psychotic serial killer.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Did I sound breathless? What was wrong with me?
“Um… So, I’ve been friends with Chyna for a while.” He cupped my elbow and guided me around a protruding tree root in the sidewalk. “She talks about you all the time. I feel like I know you already.”
I bit my lip as I noticed how soft his short hair looked, and those dimples in his cheeks weren’t bad-looking either. He was on the tall-ish side. I loved tall men. “Yeah?”
“I was wondering…this is going to sound ridiculous.” He stopped walking and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a stop. He stepped closer and leaned down. “Promise me you won’t say no.”
My heart lodged in my throat. I hadn’t been asked out in so long. I couldn’t even remember the last time it’d happened. It had never happened with someone as cute as Taylor. Oh, boy, this was going to be it. My new page. “I-I won’t say no.”
“I want you to put in a good word for me with Chyna. I want to ask her out, but I’m afraid she may have friend zoned me. I thought that if you mentioned to her that we met and that you thought I’d be good for her…”
My shoulders fell and I stepped away from him. Of course. Chyna. What had I been thinking? Men weren’t interested in women like me. Especially not after they met my similar looking but infinitely more attractive twin. Plain, boring women like me didn’t stand a chance when the Chyna’s of the world were single and available.
I was suddenly furious. Hurt and furious, but mostly at myself. How could I think that a man as cute as Taylor would actually want to ask me out?
“Is that weird? I mean, I know it’s weird, but I really like her.”
I pulled my hand away and shoved it into my purse, feeling around for my keys somewhere in the bottom of the damned bag. The sooner I could get away, the better. “Chyna dates whoever she wants to date, Taylor.”
“I’m sorry, but I have some Ramen noodles and hot cocoa waiting for me. Buh-bye!”
So much for turning a new page.
“Beast and Sky are sucking face constantly and it’s so nasty—all tongue and slobber. It’s disgusting to see my aunt making out with anyone.” Casey faked a gag and fell back on my couch. “Besides, I like hanging out here. You have games.”
“You really need the internet, though,” Nick, Casey’s older brother, said as he sank onto the large couch beside Casey. “We could play against people other than you, Cezar. Sorry for the brutal honesty, but you suck balls.”
I let out a tiny puff of fire at them. Just enough to make them jump. “I don’t suck. I blow. Fire.”
Casey cheered and sat up straighter. “That. Was. Awesome! Can you take us for a ride later?”
I grinned and shrugged. “Maybe.”
The truth was, I liked the two younglings. They were pleasant company even if they were, at fourteen and sixteen, mere babes. I hadn’t seen those ages in centuries—more than a handful of centuries. The young males were excitable and had a good energy. Beast’s new mate, Sky was the owner of them. Not owner…guardian.
“What’s wrong, Cezar?” Nick let his game controller hang limp in his hands as he stared over at me. “You don’t seem like your usual carefree self today.”
I ran my tongue over my teeth as I thought about
my morning. I had spent several hours at a local park, lurking, hoping to run into my mate. For some reason, a tiny female had struck me repeatedly with her satchel, called me a pervert and told me to stop staring at the children. I didn’t know what had upset her so much. I had no mal-intent towards the younglings. I simply longed to have some of my own. I ached to find my mate and start a family. Lately, with every day that passed, I found myself wondering more and more if that would ever happen. The whole morning had put a damper on my mood. How was I supposed to find a mate when I scared human females?
I shook my head and shrugged. “It’s nothing.”
“Come on. You can tell us. You can bro-share anything with us. We won’t tell. Cross our hearts and hope to die.” Casey smiled when he said it and I would have sworn I saw what the humans called the devil in his expression.
Sinking into the large chair across from them, I frowned. “It is mate stuff.”
“Okay, I take back what I said about bro-sharing. Gross.”
“Casey, shut up. You’re too young for this kind of stuff, anyway.” Nick puffed out his chest. “I’m almost seventeen. I’ve had a couple girlfriends.”
“You’ve had one girlfriend and she broke up with you because she caught you yanking it in her bathroom.”
“Casey! This is why no one wants to tell you anything. ‘Cross my heart and hope to die?’ If that really worked, you’d have been dead and buried fifty times over by now.”
I grinned. “In her bathroom?”
With beet red cheeks, Nick shrugged. “Well, she should’ve knocked. It wasn’t completely my fault. Every time I went over there, her mom always walked around wearing these really short, low-cut dresses, and she kept bending over in front of me.”
I nodded. “Two things. One. Stay away from that house. Females like that are bad news. Two. Just keep it in your pants until you’re back home.”